Welcome to fabgt.net!

About me:

  • Curious Engineer that loves to learn from others and also from books, courses and projects.

  • I thrive in a competitive environment and aim at pushing the boundaries relentlessly.

  • I enjoy creating and sharing a vision of the future that has a huge positive impact on the business.

Work Experience:

I have worked as an Embedded Software Application Developer for Trucks’ air suspensions and I am currently developing the Framework for Hardware In the Loop Real-Time Environments for Electric Propulsion and Energy of passenger cars.

This website gathers some of the information I find useful to document while doing home projects or “real” (professional) development. Below you will find a list of topics I have written about the setup of this website hosted locally on a Raspberry Pi 5 8Go.

  • How to create a locally hosted production web server with Flask and Waitress, visible on the outside in a secured way with Cloudflare.

  • How to automate the build of the html files used for the website with Sphinx and Jenkins.

  • How to monitor the server resources on a dashboard with Grafana.

  • How to make an AI chatbot with Ollama and open WebUI.

Then, several topics about python and linux. More is to come (machine learning, data science, and other topics I am interested in…)


I like cycling, running and board games. However my main hobby is learning new things.


Indices and tables